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Immigration Reform: Farmers Need Workers, Workers Need “Papers”

16 September 2022

$nbsp; Since the advent of the pandemic, the level of labor shortage has shot up to an uncomfortable rate and is still rising. What used to be normal has changed completely as people now search for better alternatives such as remote work and are looking less for hands-on jobs. This situation has also affected farm labor greatly. Hence, farmers a ...

Asylum: What Is Enough To Win Your Case?

22 August 2022

Author: US Asylum lawyer Alena Shautsova The number of asylum applications filed in the United States is consistently growing by hundreds of thousands. Asylum benefits include US protection: regardless of the manner of entry, a person would not be deported from the United States; asylum benefits include a pathway to US citizenship; an ability to ...

The Truth About Seeking Asylum In The United States

05 August 2022

Author: US Asylum lawyer Alena Shautsova Immigration into the United States of America is no doubt putting a lot of strain on the government, people, and organizations involved in handling immigration issues. In like manner, the immigrants are not finding it easy. The nation they thought was supposed to hold the fulfillment of their great dreams n ...

Processes For Ascertaining Asylum And Credible Fear In The Interim Final Rule

23 July 2022

Undeniably, one issue that still plagues the American society and government is the issue of immigration. Having nearly if not completely torn the country into factions, rules and policies are continuously developed to curb or fix the issue. One such rule is the Interim Final Rule dedicated to the changing of the system of how may participate i ...

The Texas Governor Gives Orders For Migrants To Be Arrested And Taken Back To The Border

16 July 2022

Immigration issues are yet to see a definitive height as Greg Abbott, the Governor of Texas, makes a drastic move that seems to escalate the matter. The latest salvo in Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott's dispute with the Biden administration over immigration policy came on Thursday when he gave state officials and National Guardsmen permissio ...

Office Of Republican Sen. Tillis Refutes Any Claim To A Bipartisan Immigration Deal Until The Biden Administration Resolves All Border-related Crises.

09 July 2022

It is no longer news that the U.S. is currently rocked by increasing border issues. Especially with the rising cases of illegal immigrants spread throughout the country, and the increasing number at the border wanting to penetrate the country. While the Biden administration alongside members of the Democratic Party has tried to pull down barrier ...

Legal Immigration Reform: A Better Option Than Title 42

14 June 2022

  In recent times, immigration and border-related matters have been one of the most disputed and controversial issues in American society, especially in Congress. With no common ground between Republicans and Democrats, the ever bothering issue of immigration seems far from being resolved. More recently, the Biden-Harris administration made moves ...

Patel V. Garland And Its Meaning For Every Immigrant In The US

08 June 2022

Author: Alena Shautsova On May 16, 2022 the Supreme Court of the United States issued a decision in the case of Patel v. Garland No. 20-979, -- U.S. --, 2022 WL 1528346 (2022). The case could have been unnoticed like hundreds of cases, but this one has ultimate consequences for the Immigration community, and as such the decision has become widely ...

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