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A Recent Deportation Case Victory

Author: Deportation lawyer Alena Shautsova For those facing deportation, hearing about immigration victories brings newfound hope. Such a case recently arose for two Florida girls, Daniela Pelaez and her sister Dayana. CNN reported that the Pelaez sisters met with their Florida senators in Washington to discuss the fact that a Miami immigration j ...

Avoid Immigration Scams

Author: immigration law firm of Alena Shautsova Immigration services are subject to scams, just like many other services offered in society. Ensuring you work with a qualified and experienced New York immigration lawyer can protect you against immigration scams. Such scams can lead to delays or never receiving legal status, or even worse, eventual ...

Aggravated Felony Can Mean Deportation for Legal Immigrants

Author: deportation attorney Alena Shautsova While immigration law often seems unfair, it is important to work with an immigration lawyer and also take advantages of protections under the law. A case in point involved a Japanese couple who immigrated to California in 1984. They opened a sushi restaurant and their business had expanded to two succe ...

How Previous Case Rulings Can Affect Deportation Decisions

Author: Law Office of Alena Shautsova The outcome of a deportation case depends on many factors. No two cases are the same and certain judges weigh case factors differently than others. Many legal arguments are available and which one will influence the judge to rule in an immigrant's favor is a variable. Recent deportation case with a successful ...

As Immigration Reform Lingers, States Pass Their Own Laws for Enforcement

Author: NY attorney Alena Shautsova U.S. Immigration reform remains a hot topic overdue for national reform. While U.S. Congress appears deadlocked and immigration reform stalls, a variety of states, including Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina, have passed their own strict state laws to enforce already existing federal immigration laws ...

Are You an Undocumented Immigrant Victimized by Domestic Violence?

Author: Immigrant lawyer Alena Shautsova Immigrants subject to domestic violence by a spouse who is a permanent resident or U.S. citizen sometimes experience threats of arrest, deportation, or denied sponsorship as a means of manipulation to keep them from leaving a harmful relationship or calling the police. Domestic violence is also a problem fo ...

Will the ARMS Act lay groundwork for the DREAM act?

Author: Law Office of Alena Shautsova In 2010 the House of Representatives passed a bill called the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) which allowed minor children of undocumented immigrants to obtain conditional permanent residency if they had lived for five continuous years here, were of good moral character, and gra ...

U.S. Asylum Facts and Statistics

Author: asylum lawyer Alena Shautsova Statistics provide a basis for comparison and help determine the estimated effort and probability of obtaining certain results. Some interesting facts and statistics about U.S. asylum and refugee statuses include: According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ...

How Prosecutorial Discretion Relates to Cancellation of Removal

Author: Law Office of Alena Shautsova The legal term "prosecutorial discretion" has taken on a new emphasis and become a pivotal factor in the outcomes of certain deportation and removal cases. Prosecutorial discretion refers to "the authority of an agency charged with enforcing a law to decide to what degree to enforce the law against a particula ...

DHS Takes a Different Tack with Deportation

Author: Law Office of Alena ShautsovaAttempted immigration reforms backed by the Obama administration included the 2010 DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors), which was a bill proposing that undocumented immigrants who met certain requirements and arrived in the United States as minors could have a path to citizenship. This ...

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