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TPS For Honduras Holders: Automatic Extension

05 January 2018

Author: Alena Shautsova The US government may determine that nationals of certain countries may require special protection and provide a temporary protection status (TPS) for them. A TPS may be granted for those who entered the US legally or illegally, those who were in deportation or removal proceedings; and those who cannot adjust their stat ...

2017 Immigration Rollercoaster

05 January 2018

Author: New York Green Card Attorney Alena Shautsova 2017 was a year of unimaginable change within the field of Immigration Law. Orders of supervision were not renewed, TPS for certain countries was not extended. An entrepreneurship program was passed to help small entrepreneurs start a business in the US, however, minutes after its passing it ...

Cuban Or Not: How A Piece Of Paper May Determine Someone’s Fate In The US

02 January 2018

Author: New York Immigration Attorney Alena Shautsova An interesting statement was published by USCIS recently: USCIS is no longer considering a consular certificate documenting an individual’s birth outside of Cuba to a Cuban parent as sufficient evidence of Cuban citizenship.. For a person who is not involved with Immigration issues, such a n ...

3 Most Common Pitfalls During Citizenship Application

13 December 2017

Author: US Citizenship Lawyer Alena Shautsova For any immigrant to receive a US citizenship signifies a great achievement: everything he/she worked for, everything he/she hoped for in the US is presented by a sheet of paper called a Certificate of Naturalization. Usually, a person has to be in green card status for 3 or 5 years before he/she can s ...

5 Things You Need To Know If You Will Be Representing Yourself In Immigration Court

03 December 2017

Author: US Immigration Attorney Alena Shautsova If you are considering representing yourself in Immigration court, you need to educate yourself on some important points. You should know that in a hearing that will take place, you will be the only non-legally trained person, apart from your interpreter (if you will need one). It means that you ha ...

Relief For Victims Of Labor And Sex Trafficking: T Status

27 November 2017

US Immigration Attorney Alena Shautsova In 2016, the US government issued new regulations concerning relief that victims of human trafficking may qualify for. The new regulations illuminated many barriers and hard-to-meet rules that were on the ways of the victims and their ability to qualify for Immigration benefits. To qualify for the T stat ...

Domestic Violence Conviction: Immigration Consequences

20 November 2017

Author: New York Immigration Lawyer Alena Shautsova A conviction of domestic violence makes a person removable, but not inadmissible. In other words, if one is a lawful permanent resident and is convicted of domestic violence, he/she can be removed (deported). However, if one is a visa holder, or a person out-of-status, without status and is apply ...

What Happens When LPR Spends Long Time Overseas

11 November 2017

Author: Green Card Lawyer Alena Shautsova A green card holder or a lawful permanent resident, is presumed to have settled in the United States after the receipt of the status. As such, the law states, that if an LPR spends too much time abroad, he/she can lose the green card. Often, the issue arises in the airport upon the LPR’s arrival after a s ...

Recent News In Immigration: Changes That Might Come Sooner Than We Expect

03 November 2017

Author: New York Asylum Lawyer Alena Shautsovaa The last day of October 2017 was truly horrifying, and not only for New Yorkers who had to face yet another attack, but I believe for the whole world community of people who are tired of hatred and violence. As we all know, President Trump reacted immediately and defensively: he suggested that the D ...

Trump Administration Announced New Immigration Priorities

10 October 2017

Author: US Asylum Lawyer Alena Shautsova On October 8, 2017, President Trump released new Immigration priorities. The US will head in the direction of limiting family based immigration, as well as refugee-based immigration and favoring immigrants with high skills. Fewer people will qualify for visas and green cards, and fewer green cards will be ...

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