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Biden’s Immigration Executive Orders

06 February 2021

Author: NYC Immigration Lawyer Alena Shautsova On Tuesday, February 2, 2021, President Biden signed three more Immigration executive orders. These were not designed to ‘make new law’, but to eliminate ‘bad policy’. The orders themselves will inevitably have a legal effect. But what effect? Two of the orders signed ordered a comprehensive review o ...

The Stay Of The 100-Day Freeze Explained

01 February 2021

Author: NYC Immigration Lawyer Alena Shautsova I want to talk about the very essence of a free and democratic nation: The rule of law. America waves this phrase around, the rule of law, as if it were sacrosanct and inherent to the nation’s bloodwork. I’m here to tell you that maybe the rule of law is more a platitude than ever before. Thanks to M ...

Biden’s Immigration Plans Will Not Bring Politics Together

28 January 2021

Author: NYC immigration lawyer Alena Shautsova President Joe Biden is sat atop a house of cards. America has not just been through a political crisis, it is continuing through one. A crisis which sees both its major parties unable to come to terms with one another. Political opinion has never been so divided - amongst the public and its lawmakers. ...

Biden’s Immigration Proposals: US Citizenship Act And More

25 January 2021

Author: NYC Immigration lawyer Alena Shautsova President Biden can now be legitimately uttered. For a man that was touted by his opponent as being too ‘sleepy’ to hold office, his administration has been swift to make its mark. In less than one day, Biden signed 17 executive orders and a draught Bill on immigration with plans of sweeping immigrati ...

Recent USCIS Work Permit Rules Changes

19 January 2021

Author: Green card lawyer Alena Shautsova The Department of Homeland Security has issued another Policy Alert designed to ensure that more adjustment of status applicants leave the prospect of feeding their families at the whim of USCIS officials. When a change in status is filed for, it is likely that you will require a piece of paper stating yo ...

H-1B Visa Rule: Petitions By Value Not Values

11 January 2021

Author: US Visa Attorney Alena Shautsova Alena Shautsova, NYC Immigration lawyer helps clients to obtain US visas, assists with petitioning process, green card process and more. The U.S. Department for Homeland Security has published a rule which will see a drastic change to the way H-1B petitions are dealt with. Currently, a ‘lottery’ system go ...

The Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals Upheld Trump’s Healthcare Immigration Ban

08 January 2021

Author: NYC Immigraiton Lawyer Alena Shautsova On December 31, 2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld President Trump’s proclamation to bar migrants without approved healthcare insurance from entry to the United States - Doe #1 v Trump. Why such a decision came about? How we can explain it to our clients and their family memb ...

Conditional Residence Termination

06 January 2021

Author: NYC Immigration Lawyer Alena Shautsova NYC Immigration lawyer Alena Shautsova helps immigrants to remove conditions on their permanent residency and open a path to the US citizenship. An immigrant who is being sponsored based on a marriage, will become a conditional resident if the marriage is less than 2 years old at the time of the adju ...

Aggravated Felony Consequences

22 December 2020

Author: Deportation Defense Attorney Alena Shautsova NYC Immigration lawyer Alena Shautsova helps individuals with criminal convictions that may disqualify them from US Immigration benefits. An aggravated felony is a type of crime that according to the Immigration laws may have very tough consequences for a non-citizen. What is an aggravated felo ...

New Asylum Rules: Biggest Changes Of Asylum Law To Date

16 December 2020

Author: USA Asylum lawyer Alena Shautsova The US government published final rules related to asylum regulations that will go into effect on January 11, 2020. These rules call for multiple significant changes in how the adjudicator (an Asylum officer or an Immigration judge) shall analyze one’s asylum claim, provide for new grounds of denial of an ...

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