New York Lawyer's Legal Updates

Demand for Reform in Treatment of Detainees

Author: Attorney Alena Shautsova The New York University School of Law through an immigrant-rights clinic recently released a report indicating mistreatment of immigrant detainees held in Essex County. Conditions included denial of medical help, inadequate nutrition (1,000 to 1,500 calories a day), and unsanitary and freezing spaces. The 39 page ...

Avoid Immigration Scams

Author: immigration law firm of Alena Shautsova Immigration services are subject to scams, just like many other services offered in society. Ensuring you work with a qualified and experienced New York immigration lawyer can protect you against immigration scams. Such scams can lead to delays or never receiving legal status, or even worse, eventual ...

As Immigration Reform Lingers, States Pass Their Own Laws for Enforcement

Author: NY attorney Alena Shautsova U.S. Immigration reform remains a hot topic overdue for national reform. While U.S. Congress appears deadlocked and immigration reform stalls, a variety of states, including Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina, have passed their own strict state laws to enforce already existing federal immigration laws ...

Are You an Undocumented Immigrant Victimized by Domestic Violence?

Author: Immigrant lawyer Alena Shautsova Immigrants subject to domestic violence by a spouse who is a permanent resident or U.S. citizen sometimes experience threats of arrest, deportation, or denied sponsorship as a means of manipulation to keep them from leaving a harmful relationship or calling the police. Domestic violence is also a problem fo ...

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