New York Lawyer's Legal Updates

Legally Speaking: Good Moral Character Under Federal Immigration Law

14 April 2015

Author: New York Immigration attorney Alena Shautsova When applying for different forms of relief during deportation proceedings, sometimes one is required to show good moral character. This is a very vague term and many people get confused whether or not they possess a good moral character in the eyes of the adjudicator. This article will outline ...

Citizenship Through Military Service for Beneficiaries of DACA

04 October 2014

Author: Citizenship Attorney Alena Shautsova The law allows permanent residents to receive citizenship after a person has been in “green card holder” status for 3 or 5 years depending on how the person acquired the residency: through marriage with the USC or some other way. Usually, a person has to become a permanent resident first, otherwise he/ ...

Citizenship: Appeal Of Denial

04 July 2014

Author: Citizenship Attorney Alena Shautsova Recently I have had many people come to my office after they were denied citizenship and tried to appeal the decision themselves at an N-336 hearing. After the hearing, they were also denied. The big question I get after they tell me this story is "Is there anything I can do now?" Yes, after you have e ...

What can I do if my Citizenship application was denied?

01 July 2014

Author: Citizenship Attorney Alena Shautsova Administrative Review of Citizenship Application Denial If you are denied Citizenship by a USCIS officer, you may ask for a hearing with a new immigration officer. This is called an N-336 Hearing. During this hearing you may be interviewed and given another civics and English test. Afterwards, the offi ...

Did You Know: The US Government Is Offering An Expedited Path For Citizenship

02 January 2014

Author: Citizenship Lawyer Alena Shautsova For those who possess required language or critical skills and are willing to enlist with the US military. Those holding critical skills – physicians, nurses, and certain experts in language with associated cultural backgrounds – would be eligible. To determine its value in enhancing military readiness, ...

How to become a US Citizen

02 November 2013

Author: Citizenship Attorney Alena Shautsova The first step towards the US citizenship, usually, is Permanent Residency. (See How to get a green card) After you become a permanent resident or more commonly known as "Green Card holder" the next step in the long sought out process of immigrating to the US is to become a citizen. There are several ...

Challenges Involved With Immigrant Marriage Petitions

14 January 2013

Author: US Citizenship Lawyer Alena Shautsova Marriage petitions are often a faster route to citizenship, especially when compared with other paths immigrants can take. Unlike immigration options where quotas restrict aliens from obtaining visas and green cards, the United States has no limit on marriage petitions. Unfortunately, abuse of this le ...

The Conflict In Middle East Affects The US Embassy Operation In Tel Aviv

21 November 2012

Author: New York Attorney Alena Shautsova The US Embassy in Tel Aviv operated in an emergency mode on November 16, 2012. The same warning was issued for November 19, 2012. The Embassy temporarily relocated its personnel to a safer area, and it hopes that its advance security measures will be sufficient to avoid loss. T ...

Obama Administration Allows Work Rights for Young Undocumented Immigrants

Author: Law firm of Alena Shautsova The Obama Administration recently made a bold move by taking allowing thousands of young undocumented immigrants to remain in the United States. The implemented policy change takes away fear of deportation or procuring a driver's license and allows immigrants to work legally in the country ...

Will the ARMS Act lay groundwork for the DREAM act?

Author: Law Office of Alena Shautsova In 2010 the House of Representatives passed a bill called the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) which allowed minor children of undocumented immigrants to obtain conditional permanent residency if they had lived for five continuous years here, were of good moral character, and gra ...


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